My hand is better, but not good enough for stitching. So, there's been no thoughts of a quiet half hour of stitching to help me get through the day. Instead I've been spending more time tending the garden. This dwarf papyrus is totally unsuitable to a dry climate but is happy in a container of annuals. The grape vines are full of grapes. Last year we got 5 grapes, now have too many to count. More annuals. I'm trying mint again, in a contiainer. Despite it's reputation for taking over, I always end up killing it. So far it's doing a good job of taking over. But, as it turns out, there's competion. Despite my best efforts, the wild rose is back . If they both survive the winter there will be an epic battle for contol of the barrel. I can't believe this is the same barrel I wrote about last spring. All the plants have grown like crazy. Even the chives are holding their own against the mint.
Erica's Stitches - Stitching and Quilting